St. Margaret Mary’s GATHER Family Faith Formation
Here at Saint Margaret Mary, we put families front and center in their own family faith formation. Parents, you are the most important example to your children. Family Faith Formation makes it exciting and practical as both parents and children “live and learn” the Catholic faith together! Parent involvement in your child’s faith formation increases not only a child’s identification with their Catholic faith as they grow, but the commitment to and practice of the Catholic faith as they reach adulthood.
As ministers of the church (the GATHER Team), our role is to accompany you on the journey as you grow and learn more about Jesus and the Church. We learn from you and we will share our experiences of God and Church with you as well!
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.”
~Matthew 18:20
Who is GATHER Family Faith Formation for?
GATHER Family Faith Formation is for all families who do not attend a Catholic school. All families: Preschool-High School participate together.
As Family
GATHER Family Faith Formation is offered for 11 sessions for 2 different time periods:
- Sunday – 11:00 AM – 12:15 AM
- Wednesday – 5:45 PM – 7:00 PM
We GATHER in the Education Center (119 S. Hubbard St., Algonquin) Information to follow via email after registration. Childcare (15 months-4yr) will not be available until further notice.
GATHER Registration for 2024-2025 School Year
If you are unable to attend the session that you registered for, you are welcome to attend the alternate date. Please call the Religious Education Office (847-658-9339) or Youth Ministry Office at (847-658-7881) to inform us of your intent to attend another date, so we can mark attendance and plan on extra supplies. Thank you.
finding GOD together and RCIT
finding GOD together
is a family program designed to initiate children (3rd grade or above) to the Catholic faith and sacramental life. Families will attend the last 2 gather sessions of the year with the finding God together team. Parents attend the Adult Formation sessions at the finding GOD together sessions simultaneously to support their child’s faith as well as grow in their own faith.
At the end of the process, the child will receive the Sacraments of Baptism (if needed), Reconciliation and First Communion, as needed. Afterwards, the child(ren) will resume in their grade level in the GATHER; Family Faith Formation Sessions.
Why is finding GOD together needed?
We understand there are many reasons why a child has missed receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation or First Communion. finding GOD together provides the opportunity for catching up!
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that children over the age of reason (about age 7) cannot be baptized through the traditional infant ritual. The Church requires a period of instruction to prepare children for initiation into the Catholic faith.
At the Second Vatican Council, the Church acknowledged that Catholic parents are “first and primary teachers of the faith for their children.” It also stated that parents must be instructed in the faith, so that they are capable of passing on this faith to their children.
For All Second Grade Families
This is such a special year as you journey in faith formation with your child preparing for two important sacraments: First Reception of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Please “save the dates” below for your child’s First Reception of Reconciliation and First Communion Rehearsal and Mass. Each date requires a parent to attend, thank you!
We will be collecting a Sacramental Fee of $75 per student. This fee covers a portion of resources dedicated to your child’s Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. For your convenience, you may pay the fee online.
Sacramental Preparation Dates
Sacrament of First Reception of Reconciliation
Tuesday, Dec. 3rd from 3:00 PM -6:00 PM in the church.
First Communion Retreat
At this First Communion Retreat we will learn the similarities between what we share at our friendship meal and what the disciples shared at the Last Supper.
First Holy Communion Rehearsals
First Holy Communion Masses
First Communion Mass – Saturday, April 26, 2025